[Digital products] - [USB accessories]

Akihabara Q-517 USB extension cable version 2.0 computer data cable | male to female USB data cable signal cable

Akihabara Q-517 USB extension cable version 2.0 computer data cable | male to female USB data cable signal cable
ID: 503831300030
Price 1.27$
Sold/Remain 60/9961
Factory Factory direct outlet link


Shenzhen Akihabara


1.5m 3M 5m

Color Classification:

White blue flat line

Akihabara Q517 USB extension cable High quality USB extension cable 1.5 m male to female


Solve the USB cable is not long enough trouble, and the transmission of signals and speed is not affected.

Brand: Akihabara

Interface: USB male to female
Name: USB extension cable
: 1.5 meters 3 meters 5 meters

Specifications: USB cable (A / M-A / F) OD4.8mm * 1.5mm